Cloud-Based Scheduling Solutions

Advanced Time offers comprehensive workforce scheduling that meets your company’s needs through the Attendance on Demand™ platform. Whether you need simple recurring schedules or advanced scheduling for complex settings, our team will help find the best solution for your business.

Meeting Your Scheduling Needs

Roster Scheduling

Experience simplified schedule-building for set or recurring schedules. Easily set up patterns for basic weekly shift schedules based on your team’s needs.

Advanced Scheduling

Easily handle complex shift scheduling, managing regulated coverage requirements, forecasting labor needs, quickly finding qualified replacements and more.

How Advanced

Scheduling Works


Determine your business’ coverage needs to support your priorities, adhere to corporate policies and maintain compliance with labor laws.


Build your schedule to meet (and exceed!) shift needs by scheduling employees with the right skills at the right times with visualization of all employees that meet the necessary criteria.


Engage your employees in the process by sharing availability and allowing them to easily pick up open shifts and swap shifts with each other.


Easily maintain adequate shift coverage in real-time when absences occur or as coverage needs change.

Simplify Your Scheduling

Connected to Attendance

Gain access not only to scheduling capabilities, but also the attendance of your employees. See when they’re tardy or come in early in the same platform as your scheduling.

Greater Schedule Visibility

Increase your employee engagement by providing the full schedule once it’s posted, offering greater control over their schedules through shift switching.

See Real-Time Schedules

Easily integrate changes as the week goes on with a view of up-to-date schedules, including shift changes and updated attendance information.

Configured to Your Needs

Quickly adapt to our intuitive scheduling and attendance systems configured to your organization’s specific set of needs.

Simplify Compliance

Easily stay in compliance with federal and local pay practices, labor laws, overtime regulations and more with our intuitive workforce management solutions.

Who We Help

We serve a wide variety of industries including the below. Click on each icon to learn more about how we can help meet each industry's needs.


Government Agencies







Professional Services

Staffing Companies

Experience Simpler Workforce Scheduling